Even when it may still be to early to forecast a path forward, the defeat of President Chavez's proposal to change the Constitution will probably not be the end of it. After the Electoral Council announced the results of the referendum last night, President Chavez accepted them by saying that this was a Pyrrhic victory (meaning it's a victory with devastating cost to the victor). He went on to say that it was a temporary defeat of his proposal, and announced that he will seek other paths to achieve his purposes.
This clearly indicated that some of the proposed changes to the Constitution will come anyway via new legislation, either by Chavez himself (he still has legislative powers through the enabling Law) or through the National Assembly.
A way to regain some of his political backing (through popular support) suggests that the reduction of the working hours as well as other labor Law changes will be the first to be announced. These changes are expected to come in bundled legislation in order to introduce some of the changes to the economy that were not approved through the Constitutional Reform.
If this is the path chosen by Chavez, rather than one of reconciliation and reorienting of his model, many will be the battles to be fought by Government and opposition throughout next year and beyond.
Even when it is still early to asess the timing and to what extent Chavez will recommence his quest, it is undenniable that 2008 will not be a quiet year in the political arena.
Amanecerá y veremos.-
3 comentarios:
""Porque lo que viene es la estocada de la vida real, la explosión de la inflación, la escasez, el derrumbe sistémico del país como organismo funcional. Febrero, marzo, abril…. “Es la economía,”, dicen el El Imperio.
- 36% ha disminuido el parque industrial por políticas oficiales - Las empresas extranjeras se van
- 38 homicidios en Caracas en 48 horas
- Temen colapso total en cerro Gavilán""
Tomado de noticias24.com según relata hoy Rodolfo Schmidt en su Blog,
Totalmente de acuerdo con tu " humilde comentario" recomiendo el artículo de R.S quien hace un análisis completo de la jormada de ayer y lo que se tejió alrededor de los resultados, termina el articulo con la frase que nos aterriza en la realidad que tenemos y nos viene en el 2008.
Pero otra vez disfrutemos de la navidad , las hallacas la final del beisbol....
Que opinas sobre la jurisprudencia del Por Ahora... es decir, intentar ejecutar algunos de los artículos propuestos en ella por otra vía, bien sea Ley Habilitante, Asamblea Nacional, como mencionan arriba.
Digo yo..., no se decidió ayer que NO en el referendum nacional?
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